October 30, 2005

del.icio.us didn't scale either :-(

The RSS blog says :

It would seem that del.icio.us has joined Technorati, Feedster, BlogPulse, etc. in the Web 2.0 applications that don't scale very well. Posting new links to del.icio.us seems to fail for me more times than it succeeds.

Not surprising, I guess. Anything with a central server is gonna hit scaling problems if it gets popular. Time to dust off all those old P2P treatises from 2001. :-)


Randy Charles Morin said...

I doubt P2P is the answer, which has it's own problems (damn firewalls).

Composing said...

takes out some of the possible bottlenecks though?

Randy Charles Morin said...

and introduces new ones?

Composing said...

Hmmm. What sort of new bottlenecks would you say are created by going more P2P?