November 14, 2010

Facebook Mail : Facebook are absolutely rampant at this point.

This has got to hurt Google (and Microsoft). Leveraging Gmail is still Google's best hope of getting some kind of successful YASN off the ground. If FB can puncture that, then Google's fails in this area may start to look as tragic as Microsoft's floundering in mobile-land. (Basically Google would have to buy Twitter to stay in the game.)


John Powers said...

I don't think Facebook Mail is all that. Your arguments about closed versus open systems in re Facebook applying netocratic theory are important here.

Facebook Groups doesn't seem the answer to the problem of Facebook as relationship management. Part of the challenge of imploiting links is that the groups we share with are important. We want to keep both he links and the shape of the groups hidden to our broader network.

Google still seems to me to have a better trajectory to yasn-as-platform than Facebook because it's a richer platform for widgets and provides better ways to manage the visibility of imploitation networks.

Steve Job's thinks that "integrated will beat fragmented every time." Facebook's fight with Google over contacts signal's that Facebook buys Job's argument. "Fragmented" is pejorative, still "fragmented" provides more ways to do what we want.

Here's a link about email apps. Where to draw the line between publishing and conversation is quite fuzzy, but it's hard for a platform to be both. Apps offer more flexibility to tread the line.

Composing said...

Good points.

Agreed, we still need ways to demarcate and manage subgroups within our social networks and FB does a lousy job of this. So someone else has an opportunity there.