October 03, 2007

Here's a left-field thought. I wonder if Enso has the capability to wrap the GUI, the browser (and therefore web-based services), the way Windows originally wrapped DOS?

It is, after all, closer to the user than all these things.

Kind of an old-skool platform strategy ... but may yet work. Especially if you can write "widgets" for it (or at least Python scripts)


Scribe said...

Phil, have you got a Mac and seen Quicksilver yet? It does a similar thing (hit a key combo, then type stuff to find a file/app/webpage/address/etc, then enter to load it), but also hooks into various apps in other ways.

Have a look at the various screencasts for things like controlling iTunes, moving files around, looking up words, and so on.

And its free =D

Composing said...

Yeah ... free-as-in-speech would obviously be good, although I found myself perilously close to wanting to give Enso money yesterday. More as a signal of approval and wanting to encourage them than believing in IP, honest :-)

I may do that when the Python scriptable version comes out.